You’re probably visiting this website because you, your organisation or someone you know is involved in a dispute. These things can drain the life from us.
Mediation is an alternative way of resolving disputes.
Mediation can help you achieve…
Fair treatment – there is no external voice to misunderstand your situation.
The opportunity for justice – the process only intends to find resolutions that everyone can tolerate.
Maintaining privacy – mediation happens away from courts, the media and other eyes.
Preventing harsh judgments – you and the situation will not be judged. The Mediator only exists to enable the process to work.
The freedom of choice – there are no outcomes that you yourself haven’t agreed to.
A quick and long lasting resolution – mediation can happen quickly, and because of the above mentioned points, has a much higher chance of success.
I can mediate within all forms of civil and commercial arenas and disputes. I have experience and expertise working with charities, churches, musicians, artists and not-for-profits.
These include: disputes between charity trustees, disputes between two separate charities, disputes when closing one one charity, disputes between church leaders, disputes between a church leader and a congregation or community, disputes between church authorities and church leaders or church members.
They may also include: disputes between bands members, disputes between management and artists, disputes between promoters, agents and artists.
Mediation is a process which is voluntary, informal, and confidential. It can only happen with the consent of all participants, who must be over 18. The Mediator is neutral, but holds the process which then enables the participants to resolve disputes.
The participants remain in control of the resolution, and resolution can only be reached with the full agreement of all.
The mediator always remains impartial and independent. This role means that a space is created to encourage participants to engage in the process and reach positive solutions.
The mediator is not part of this process in order to judge the evidence or make decisions on behalf of the participants, merely to create an atmosphere that is conducive to productive conversations and decisions. These decisions are always only proposed and held by the participants, not the Mediator.